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The Mark System

The general aim of the mark system is to promote discipline and respect for rules, as well as to reward students for achievement in a number of areas. COMMENDATION MARKS appear on the student’s report each term and are entered on the Cumulative Record Card – the child’s permanent school record.

The Commendation Mark is an incentive to the student to work towards excellence in academic and non-academic areas, for herself and her House!

COMMENDATION MARKS are given to students who:

  • Obtain 75% or more in a subject in Forms 1 -3, or 65% or more in Forms 4 -6 in each subject at the end of term exam
  • Receive no bad marks for an entire term
  • Have perfect attendance in a term, except for those students who have been given 3 days bereavement leave due to the death of an immediate family member
  • Reach the highest level of National competition in activities sanctioned by the school – sports, performing arts, competitions etc.


These are presented to students during assembly at the beginning of each new term as follows:

Forms 1 – 3 Any student gaining seven or more commendation marks

Forms 4 & 5 Any student gaining five or more commendation marks

Form 6   Any student gaining three or more commendation marks.

In contrast, a student may be given a Bad Mark by any member of staff or prefect for failure to comply with school requirements in the areas of punctuality, conduct, presentation of excuses, equipment, uniform and application. Students displaying inappropriate behavior meet for consultation with the Form Teacher or Dean and appropriate action is taken.

When the student is given a bad mark, the Dean is informed and the parent/guardian is called. A letter is also sent home to this effect and the parent/guardian must sign and return this form to the Form Mistress or Dean. Students receiving three or more bad marks will be assigned appropriate correctional activity and the parent informed by letter. With the cooperation of the parents, every effort is made to resolve the student’s problem. Bad marks impact negatively on House performance.