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Discipline Matrix

Using the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and after consultation with teachers, parents and students, the following discipline matrix was developed as a guide.

Violation of any school rules A/B B C D
Unpunctuality A A* B* C*
Persistent absence/Unexcused absence A A B C
Skipping classes A B C D
Failure to do homework A B C
Out of uniform A B C
Out of bounds A B D
Stealing C C/D E
Cheating C C/D E
Gambling C D
Truancy C/D E
Leaving school without permission C/D E
Vandalism/graffiti B/C C D
Inappropriate use of the electronic media C/D D E
Insubordination C D E
Misrepresentation/Forgery C D E
Bullying C/D E
Obscene language/Gestures B C D
Harassment A/B B/C C/D
Display of pornographic material C/D E
Unauthorized publication of school-related activities C/D
Plagiarism B/C D
Use/possession of cigarettes/alcohol D/F
Use/possession of drugs, D/F
Possession of dangerous weapons, D/F
Fighting/violence, physical harm or the threat of physical harm to any student/staff D/F
Disruptive behavior/Unacceptable games B/C C/D E
Arson D/F
Bomb Threats/False alarms D/F
Use/possession of explosive devices D/F
Extortion D/F

The Parent/Guardian will be informed by the school when a Bad Mark has been issued.Class and Form Teachers/Deans/Vice Principal/Principal may issue Bad mark(s) at their discretion.


A – Consultation with Teacher
B – Visit to Dean
C – Parent Conference
D – In-house Suspension/Suspension
E – Intervention by Ministry of Education
F – Law Enforcement

*-Bad marks subject to consultation