Lots of Socks

The Down Syndrome Family Network ( DSFN) was founded in Trinidad and Tobago in 2011 by parents of children with Down Syndrome. The group’s main mission is to support families through advocacy, education and research in order to allow their loved ones with Down Syndrome to live as independently as possible and become valuable members of society.

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly declared March 21st as World Down Syndrome Day which is recognized and celebrated internationally.

Naparima Girls’ High School is committed to creating a learning environment that engenders growth in character, respect for self, others and the environment. We are therefore thrilled to support the DSFN in their campaign “Lots of Socks” where today our students wore brightly coloured socks or mismatched socks and members of staff supported the campaign by wearing brightly coloured clothing; with the aim of not only raising public awareness of Down Syndrome but also to promote the need for full inclusion of all persons with disabilities in all aspects of society.

More information on the Down Syndrome Family Network can be found at http://www.facebook.com/dsfamilynetwork


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