The brainchild of Principal, Miss Grace Beattie, the Inaugural Meeting of the Past Students Association was held on September 14th, 1935 with Miss Beattie being nominated President.
It was not until during World War II however that the Association began to make a significant impact!
The main purpose of the Past Students Association was to raise much needed funds for building purposes and over the years this group undertook many projects. Tea parties, musicals and dinners all formed part of their repertoire.
It was however during the year of the Golden Jubilee (1962) that it adopted the name Alumnae Association and Miss Phoebe Lahouri was elected President.
Since then the Alumnae Association has grown in number. Dedicated and committed to the development of their alma mater, the school benefits from the financial and moral support that is willingly given. The current President is Ms. Keshmanie Singh.
Executive Meetings are held on a monthly basis and general meetings at least three times per year.
The Alumnae website will soon become available for all past students to register and find up-to-date information on fund raising activities and how they can officially lend their support to the school.