Hand in hand, we can sustain our land – Naparima Girls’ High School Walkathon 2019

Hand in hand, we can sustain our land – Naparima Girls’ High School Walkathon 2019

The theme of this year’s walkathon was very aptly demonstrated and explained to our students and parents by our guest speakers at the walkathon booths. The event was a huge success and goes a long way in our school’s continued efforts to impact our environment in a positive way.

Our N.G.H.S. Eco-Activist Club planned some fun activities using reusable materials, which included origami and decoration making. The kids then had fun racing their origami paper frogs! A special thank you to the Executive members of the Club and their parents Mrs. Dookeran and Mrs. Dookhoo for so willingly and capably helping with this booth.

To Dr. Sharda Mahabir of the UNDP GEF Small Grants Programme, we say thank you for being present today to give us information about the wonderful opportunities we can access to bring environmental projects to a reality.

The group from Adopt-a-River had students and their parents thoroughly engaged in water quality analyses, and gave helpful advice about day to day practices to conserve water. Thank you for being part of our day and for making it a successful one.

The Forestry Division is always willing to assist our school in all our endeavours. Thank you to Mr. Dipchansingh and his team, for participating in our walkathon information booths, and for a very interactive and fun quiz session.

A special thank you to Mr. Hayden Romano, Managing Director of the Environmental Management Authority, whose contribution of posters and reusable water bottles, was much appreciated and will certainly help us to continue to make our school “green”.

Our Principal, Vice Principal and teachers impressed us with their environmental knowledge and won prizes at the Forestry Division and E.M.A. booths!

We would sincerely like to thank Mr. Donald Baldeosingh, founder of CZITT, and his team at CZITT for being an integral part of our walkathon information booths this year. The opportunity provided to our students through this year’s CZITT challenge was invaluable and we look forward to working together again in the future.


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