Naparima Girls’ High School is a Government assisted Presbyterian school. It adheres to all teachings of the Presbyterian Church but recognizes all other religions of our multicultural society. All religious and national festivals are observed and celebrated and students are expected to respect all such observances.
School Hours
Each school day begins at 8:00 am. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday there is school assembly in the auditorium where worship is held and announcements are made. All students must attend and take part in assembly. This sets the mood for the day and is invaluable for fostering a spirit of unity and harmony among our students. On Thursday, there is no morning assembly and classes begin at 8:05 am. On Tuesday, students remain in class for a session on Personal and Social Development/HFLE with their Form Teacher.
Our school day consists of eight 35-minute periods with a fifteen minute recess in the morning. Lunch is from 11:40 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. On certain days the schedule is adjusted to accommodate staff meetings, conduct meetings or any other activities.
Lesson-change bells are a signal to staff; do not pack up your books until the lesson is concluded by your teacher. The school day ends at 2:30 p.m.
Naparima Girls’ has always promoted the holistic development of our students. As such, we offer a broad- based curriculum including: Art, Music, Drama, Dance and Physical Education. We recognize the value of these non-traditional subjects in the development of the affective domain of each individual. This allows for more effective social adjustment and appreciation of the aesthetics. There is also a variety of co- and extra-curricular activities to complement the curriculum.
Heads of Department
Heads of Department have been appointed to ensure the effective supervision of their respective curriculum areas.
The Heads of Department are :
Business Studies – Mrs. Sherry-Anne Pragg-Fortune (Ag.)
Language Arts – Mrs. Shelley Kalloo-Sammah
Mathematics & Information Technology – Miss Melisa Ramrattan (Ag.)
Modern Languages – Miss Sharon Sahadeo
Modern Studies – Mrs. Sherry Sookdeo (Ag.)
Science – Mrs. Tricia Ramlochan Persad (Ag.)
Visual & Performing Arts – Mrs. Reanna Edwards-Paul (Ag.)
As guided by the Ministry of Education, the lower school follows a programme of work as laid out by the Secondary Education Modernisation Program (SEMP). This prepares our students for the NCSE (National Certificate of Secondary Education) exams at the end of Form III. Certification depends on satisfactory performance in coursework and end of term examinations over the three year period. At the end of Form III, students select the subjects which they wish to pursue at the CXC CSEC level. The Forms 4 & 5 years are dedicated to preparation for the CXC CSEC exam, followed by the CXC CAPE programme at the 6th Form level.
Formal examinations are usually held at the end of the term. In some terms, projects, assignments and monthly assessments determine the final term’s mark. Students are advised well in advance of the examination structure for each term.
Strict examination codes of conduct are enforced and students are expected to observe all rules of honesty and integrity. Detailed guidelines are given to students prior to the start of exams.
Examinations are to be written on official Naparima Girls’ exam stationery. Exam pads are sold at the Bursar’s office at a reasonable cost.
Reports are issued on the dates given on the calendar of events. Parents only must collect reports on the designated dates. Feel free to call the school to set up an appointment with the form teacher to discuss your daughter’s progress. Prompt collection of the report is an indication of the parent’s interest in the child’s performance each term.
Parents’ Newsletter/Calendar of Events/Website
In our continuing effort to improve the lines of communication between the school and the home, you will receive, via email/school’s website, a newsletter each term. This serves to keep you updated on the school’s activities (past and upcoming). Parents are expected to use the calendar of events included in this newsletter to be aware of the activities for each term. The website is also the place where termly course outlines for all subjects are posted and parents are expected to check the website often. Homes without internet access can request paper copies of all documents from the Form Teacher.
End of Term Activities
Internal examinations usually end one week before the end of the term, to ensure that test papers are marked and reports prepared promptly. During this week, much effort is put into planning interesting and informative co-curricular sessions for our students. Students are expected to be at school until the last day of each term and to participate actively in all sessions. On closing day, the school and national flags are lowered, while the school hymn and National Anthem are sung.
Conduct Meetings
Each term the staff meets to discuss each student’s performance, progress and conduct. Subsequently, parents may be invited to meet the Principal/Dean/Teacher in order to resolve any issues pertaining to their child.
Crisis Management
A Crisis Management Committee comprising the Principal, Vice principal and other members of staff has been established. This committee has developed an action plan to respond to critical incidents. This plan is revised and practiced periodically. Students must adhere to the instructions and procedures given to them in case of crises.
For the protection of our students, all visitors (parents, friends, guests, lecturers) must present themselves to the guards and proceed directly to the school’s office. Students may see their visitors in the office only, with the approval of Administration. On no account are visitors allowed in classrooms unless accompanied by a teacher, or the principal has granted permission. All visitors must adhere to the dress code.
Financial Matters
Any contributions payable to the school can be made at the Bursar’s office during lunchtime. Students are asked not to visit this office during class time. Parents should keep receipts for contributions carefully for the duration of the school year. Should expenses arise e.g. field trips, a written request will be sent to the parent.
The School Cafeteria
The school cafeteria is housed on the ground floor of the four-storey block. Hot lunches, snacks and soft drinks are sold, and comfortable seating accommodation is provided. Girls must queue for service. Please be careful with the furniture and be sure to clean up your eating area when you are leaving. Adequate garbage bins are provided. No chewing gum is sold at the cafeteria since students are not allowed to chew gum on the premises. Only Form VI students are allowed on the cafeteria floor during free periods. Sixth formers only are allowed to purchase items from the cafeteria if they are free during periods three and five. All other students will be served only during recess and lunchtime.